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24h inside the human body

Serge Poleur, a therapist specialised in Physiology and Epigenetics, will come and talk to us about “24 hours inside the human body”.

He has always been looking for the best natural ways to improve health and has come to the conclusion that if people had a better understanding of Physiology, i.e. how their body works, their organs, their different systems and their needs, their health and energy would be much better than it is now.

It is for these reasons that in recent years he has developed a “Health Enhancement” program based on the fundamental laws of Physiology and Epigenetics.

Being the son of self-employed parents, he likes to share his experience in health with entrepreneurs to help them recover their health and increase their energy in a natural way thanks to physio because, as we can see today, physical disorders are an integral part of everyday life:

– Physical disorders are an integral part of the daily life of entrepreneurs.

– Stress, backache, joint problems, migraines, low morale, anxiety, digestion problems, weight gain… entrepreneurs notice a deterioration of their physical and mental condition.

The health of their business affects their own.

“It’s a vicious circle, if they can’t bounce back, their enthusiasm dies, the sacred fire goes out, they lose confidence in themselves, they lose their motivation and we know that they are the heart of their company, their health is crucial for its proper functioning” because we are in a period of change that is quite difficult to negotiate.