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Motivational speaker Geraldine Huybrechts

Geraldine Huybrechts, visibility coach, shares her story about life after burnout.

After suffering from burnout herself, Geraldine has made is her mission to share her experiences and insights into the syndrome with the world. She wants to show how important it is to regularly do some introspection. Thanks to this condition, she was suddenly motivated to follow her dream and start her own business.

Ever wondered what burnout really is and how to know spot the symptoms? How do you know if you’re really on the cusp of burnout, or just going through a challenging month? And once burnt-out, how do you bounce back?

In this YUST Talk, Geraldine will teach you how to keep listening to your inner self.


Together with the talk, Geraldine will be launching her e-book about her personal story. As a guest, you will receive a code to download the e-book for free.