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Vernissage: Katie Tomlinson

In January YUST Art welcomes Katie Tomlinson.
Born in England in 1992, Katie Tomlinson is an award-winning visual artist currently based in Antwerp. An avid observer, she uses drawing to process and document life around her, viewing it as a way to slow time in an otherwise chaotic world.
The artist finds inspiration in the every day, discovering beauty in the simplicities of life that are often overlooked. Immersing herself in specific environments and drawing directly from life gives her work a real spontaneity, and drawing from observation continues to be an integral part of her personal practice.
Little Things – a solo exhibition
Katie Tomlinson started her latest observational series ‘Little Things’ when the regulations imposed on our society began to lift, and people slowly reemerged from their homes to spend time together once more.
Gradually, we were able to take pleasure in dining out again, to drink a cold pintje and listen to the hubbub on a terraske during a warm sunny day, to hop on a train to another city and sample the local delicacies, to take a trip to a foreign country and learn about a culture different to our own.
The title of the series Little Things refers to the English Author A.A. Milne’s book ‘The little things in life’ in which the beloved fictional character Winnie the Pooh embarks on a journey and shares his simple yet profound observations of the natural world.
Each page, or in this instance each drawing, inspires the viewer to stop and take a moment to observe and consider the joy that The Little Things in Life can bring.
Join Katie at her vernissage on Tuesday 11 January from 7PM. 
Admission is free but registration is mandatory