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Webinar: 10 secrets of top salespeople

What is the difference between top salespeople and average salespeople? Top salespeople continuously find new ways to create an impact and a valuable interaction with the customer. That requires a lot of skill, especially in a time where the economy is still suffering because of Corona.

In this free 60min webinar, Kathleen Cools, author of “Black box van de topverkoper”, will explain which 10 things set top salespeople apart. Top salespeople succeed in inspiring clients and excel in their field.

Want to find out how?



About Kathleen

Kathleen Cools trains sales managers and sales professionals in developing attitudes and values that lead to sustainable results. After years of successful experience as a salesperson and sales manager, Kathleen now focuses herself on sales, with a brand new vision. She places herself in the mind of the customer, and begins from the point where a salesperson has te create value. Kathleen Cools als wrote the book  ‘Black box van de topverkoper’, about the minset and values of successful salespeople.